Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh Ting Tings...

Music Pick of the Day:  That's Not My Name
Artist: The Ting Tings

Boppin' Drums + Hoppin' Sound Machine + Kickin' Lyrics = Ear Bud Happiness

Have you ever been cruising in your El Camino and heard this song come on the radio?  Of course you have!... and if you haven't, your ears may be sad, and I want your car please.  Sad ear syndrome can only be cured with a heavy dose of this song.  It's like half the time I'm listening to this song I'm not even sure what she's saying, but I just don't care who knows it!  I'm too caught up in jumping around and shaking what my mother gave me.(?) Plus, making up your own lyrics is much more enjoyable when in a confused state, and a time honored tradition for me.  Not only is this song capable of enducing spontaneous aerobic activity, BUT it has been known to turn a frown upside down.  Oh Ting Tings... you're neat.

Amanda... that's not my name!...........ok, maybe it is.


  1. They call me STACY--that's not my name. Oh I do love this song. I also enjoy boppin' to the Black Eyed Peas "I gotta a Feelin'".

  2. yes! "i gotta feelin'... wooo-hooo" :o)
