Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Time Travel

I got to take a step back in time today.  A step for all mankind all the way back to first grade.  It was a flashback of giggling, and recess, and glue, and crayons.  A world where getting in trouble and having to write your name on the board sends the world crumbling around you and getting to wear your hair in pigtails (or "dog-ears" as I called them) and play 101 Dalmations on the playground with your best friend at recess makes life worth while (at least for me it did... 101 Dalmations was the bees knees in my first grade glory days).  The only difference this time around was that now... I was the teacher.

I guess that makes it more like I stepped into the future.



Needless to say, I'm observing a first grade classroom this semester.  Possibly one of the most entertaining first grade classrooms of all time, but I guess that's debatable.  One thing I know for sure... there is NEVER a dull moment. 

When you are a first grade teacher there is always someone hugging you, yelling your name, picking their nose, eating it, telling you their address, telling you a random story about squirrels, and asking to go to the bathroom.  All at the same time.  It's fun.  And stressful.  And fun.

On a side note I've decided that first graders like to go to the bathroom so much because its their first real taste of freedom... sweet sweet freedom.   That and some are still working on that "no more accidents" goal.  Go ahead and add that to the list of things that keeps it interesting.  And stressful.  And interesting.

All in all my first day of observing was a success... unless you count the kid that I made have a balling-crying/wheezing/tear-streaming fit at the end of the day. 

But I don't.

No matter how much it will haunt my dreams.


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