Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Travel Tuesday

When you travel as a pair

almost all

of your


pictures will





you decide to bother a stranger who you hope speaks English


to take a picture of you


like this.

Guess how many times we did that!

Monday, June 27, 2011

birthday boy

Today is my husband's 29th birthday.
He informed me that he will now age backwards.
So I told him "Happy 27th Birthday!"

This is us when I was 18 and he was 22.  We were newly-daters.  He smiled sideways on purpose because he thought it was funny.  This was taken with a disposable camera.



This is us again when I was 18 and he was 22.  We had been dating about 5 months.  It was 2004.  He was wearing gaged earrings and I was wearing a hemp necklace & bracelet.  Signs of the times.  This was also taken with a disposable camera.


This is us when I was 21 and he was 25.  This was taken a couple of months before we said,  "I do."  This was one of our official engagement pictures taken by Kent Bryant Photography.


This is us when I was 22 and he was 26.  This was our beautiful wedding day.  We were brand-newlyweds... just minutes into our marriage.  We will be married 3 years in September.

I couldn't find the baby pictures of him that I wanted to post for his birthday, so I went with these.

I'm so glad he was born 29 years ago so that he could grow up and be my husband.

I love you Dustin!

Happy 29th 27th Birthday!


Thursday, June 23, 2011


Yes.  That is our mailbox.

Yes.  That is duct tape.

Yes.  That is all that is holding our mailbox on for an indefinite amount of time.

Yes.  I broke it.

Yes.  I was wearing my pajamas, glasses, no make-up, with un-brushed hair.

Yes.  The mailman drove up and saw me.

Yes.  We had a conversation with me in my pajamas.

Yes.  I akwardly started confessing to him that I broke it, with duct tape in hand.

Yes.  I'm sure he thinks I'm crazy too.

Yes.  I went into my house to never come out again.

Officially a Hermit,


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Back To Reality

Since we've been back from our 15 day backpacking trip through Europe, it's back to reality for both of us.   And reality is that my husband has to go to work and I have to try and find a teaching job!  Four days before I was walking around London, I was walking the line at WKU.

For graduation, since this was my second time, we kept it low key.  My family ate dinner at my parents' house before the graduation and then afterwards I went to bed.  I know, it sounds wild.  In reality, it was perfect and it was fun to share it with our families.

Like I said before, my reality is that I need to find a teaching job.  I've been hoping and praying and will continue to do so until God puts me in the job and school I'm supposed to be in.  It's harder and more stressful than I had anticipated... but I'm taking this as an opportunity to work on being patient.

For now, I'll just have to look at my sweet graduation gifts

Don't you agree that I need a classroom so that I can hang up this adorable sign?

My sister-in-law, who is also a teacher, hand-made it for me!  I love it!

She also got me some classroom supplies and decor :)

Jekels was ready to learn!


Can you tell what this is?


It's a Pandora charm for my bracelet from my parents!

It's a little apple with a worm in it.
It's also cute.

Now all I need is a classroom!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Guess what?

We are back from Europe!  We have been since last Friday.  So what have we been doing since then?  Well, we had a busy weekend with family activities, have been catching up on sleep (we were 6 and 7 hours ahead in Europe), I have been working on the job hunt, and Dustin went back to work. 

So as you can see, I haven't had the time for blogging since the trip!

Speaking of the trip, we had the time of our lives to say the least.  We are still in disbelief that we got to see everything we did... but we have the pictures to prove it :)

Speaking of pictures, I've also been taking time to edit some of my favorites.  I'm working on some black & white pictures to put in our living room soon.  I'm sure I could edit these pictures for the rest of my life and never get tired of it!  

Speaking of edited pictures.... here are some:

So now you know!